Have you ever found yourself caught up in daydreams of surviving a deserted island, crashing waves, and channeling your inner Bear Grylls or Les Stroud? Or maybe you’ve just got a penchant for those wild scenarios we see in movies and books

Imagine the scene: You’re marooned on an empty island, surrounded by nothing but an open ocean, with the echo of the waves as your only companion. Sounds a bit daunting, doesn’t it? 

But here’s a twist—what if you could tackle this challenge armed with military-style strategies and tactics?

Whether you’re a die-hard survival enthusiast, a weekend warrior, or just love the thrill of a good adventure, this piece is for you. We will delve into survival tactics inspired by the best: the military. It’s about strength, survival, strategy, and the will to keep going, no matter what.

Surviving a Deserted Island, Military Style

It’s one thing to be stuck in the woods. You may be dealing with unknown factors, but you’re still amidst civilization, and with the proper strategies, you can crawl your way through. 

Surviving a deserted island is an entirely different animal; you should treat it that way. One method to approach such a predicament is a tactical, military approach.

Reconnaissance Mission

In the military, knowing your environment is the first step in any operation. Do the same on your deserted island. Use any high ground to scout your surroundings and spot potential danger zones, safe shelter spots, available water sources, and possible food supplies. 

Map out the island in your mind or, better yet, in the sand. Knowledge is power, even on a deserted island.

Fortify Your Position

Think like a soldier establishing a forward operating base when building a shelter. Your survival shelter should protect you from the elements and keep you concealed from potential threats. 

Pick a spot that’s safe, close to resources, and camouflaged. Like a soldier in the field, always be aware of your vulnerability and be ready to move if needed.

Maintain Discipline

The military operates on discipline and schedules—so should you. Create a daily routine for gathering water, hunting for food, maintaining shelter, and exploring regularly. 

It helps you keep track of time and gives you a sense of normalcy and order, which is critical for your mental well-being.

Water Operations

Water is your number one priority in survival, just like in military ops. Learn how to collect and purify water efficiently. Collect morning dew from leaves, create a solar still, or find a freshwater source. 

Treat any water you see as potentially hazardous. If you can, boil it. If not, create a makeshift filter from sand, charcoal, and rocks.

Forage and Hunt

The military teaches you to utilize all available resources, and nature can provide plenty if you know where to look. From fruits and roots to insects and fish—if it’s edible, it’s on the menu. 

But remember, nature also has its dangers. Never eat something if you’re unsure about its safety.

Signal for Rescue

Being stranded on a deserted island is like being behind enemy lines—you need rescuing. Keep a signal fire ready for any passing planes or ships, and learn how to create signal markers that are visible from the air. 

Three fires in a triangle is a universally recognized distress signal. And remember, smoke is detectable from miles away, so make it count.

Your Battle Buddy

In the military, you have a battle buddy—someone who’s got your back no matter what. In your situation, it might be a washed-up volleyball or a chatty parrot.

Keeping your spirits and mind engaged is as crucial as any physical survival skill. Talk to your buddy, sing songs, and tell stories. It helps keep loneliness at bay and gives you a mental boost.

Stealth Mode and Constant Vigilance

Military personnel know how to move stealthily and observe constantly. This skill is invaluable on a deserted island. You can avoid potentially dangerous animals and spot signs of rescue. 

Stay low, stay quiet, and keep your eyes and ears open. Awareness of your surroundings is critical to survival and rescue.

Physical Fitness

Keep up with physical exercise as much as you can. In the military, physical training is a daily routine. Exercise will keep your body in good condition, improve your mood, and help you sleep better. 

A morning routine of push-ups, sit-ups, and running in place can work wonders.

Mental Toughness

In tough times, the military relies on mental toughness. Use this mindset on your deserted island. You’ll have good and bad days, but keep your mind focused on survival and rescue. 

Visualize your rescue, remind yourself of home, or repeat a motivating mantra. Mental resilience is the backbone of survival.

Keep These Strategies In Mind

The key to surviving a deserted island isn’t just physical prowess. It also requires mental toughness, adaptability, and the will to carry on. 

With these battle-tested tactics in your arsenal, you should be ready to face a deserted island scenario and make it out alive.

So whether you find yourself stranded by chance (let’s hope not) or are just testing your mettle on a survival expedition, carry these lessons. After all, survival isn’t just about enduring the ordeal—it’s about coming out of it stronger.