As the twentieth month of the Russia-Ukraine war approaches, NATO urges increased arms production as reserves diminish.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) recently issued a literal call to arms, urging the global arms industry to dramatically increase weapons and ammunition production as the protracted conflict in Ukraine continues to strain available resources.

NATO Military Committee head Admiral Rob Bauer highlighted the dire situation during his address at the Warsaw Security Forum (WSF) in Poland last week, where he emphasized that the “bottom of the barrel is now visible.

Addressing the audience, Admiral Bauer pointed out the challenging predicament NATO faces. “We give away weapons systems to Ukraine, which is great, and ammunition, but not from full warehouses. We started to give away from half-full or lower warehouses in Europe,” and those stocks are now running perilously low.

Rob Bauer
Admiral Rob Bauer (Image source: NATO)

The urgency of the situation was underscored by British Minister of State for the Armed Forces James Heappey, who also spoke at the WSF.

Heappey stressed the need to continue supporting Ukraine despite dwindling stockpiles, stating:

“We have to keep Ukraine in the fight tonight and tomorrow and the day after and the day after.”