In response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, major cities and countries across the globe have rallied behind Ukrainians, showing their support for the country through mass protests. Regardless of where in the world, these protesters are marching toward city centers, government offices, and Russian embassies to demand action from their national government leaders to act against Russia. Many have also urged the Russian ambassadors to their country to halt the attacks.

Hundreds Arrested As Russians Protest In The Streets Against The Invasion Of Ukraine

“Putin is a killer! Putin is the shame of Russia!” the Russian protesters shouted. “Ukraine! Ukraine!” they yelled.

A Russian woman held up balloons in yellow and blue, while others painted their faces to reflect the Ukrainian flag. Tatyana Usmanova, an opposition activist, said the invasion was a disgrace. “I want to ask Ukrainians for forgiveness. We didn’t vote for those who unleashed the war,” she added.

Of all places a protest would happen, Russia would seem to be an unlikely place to start. Russian anti-war protesters have marched and gathered in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and 52 other Russian cities rebuking their own government’s decision to invade Ukraine. An estimated 1,000 anti-war protesters marched to the center of Moscow, loudly blaring their car horns and yelling, “No to war!”